My Beginnings…

Ever since my mother introduced me to the bright lights and busy streets of New York City, I knew it was the place for me. My mother would ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” My response: “I want to get dressed up in a suit and carry a brief case and walk around in New York City!” My mother would then say,” Well, what would you put in the brief case and where would you be going?” My response: “I don’t know! (giggle and run off to play)” Now this seemed like a completely sensible answer when I was six years-old and it even sounded good (in my head) at times in high school! But when I really sat down to think about it: where was I going and what was I going to be carrying in that brief case and what would I be doing? This all became clear when I discovered Public Relations in College. PR brought me to the Big Apple, making me carry a bazillion items at one time and doing many different tasks in the process! 

Suitcase or Satchel’s mission is to aid the 20 somethings moving into their 30 somethings, in being the best prepared for every occasion while looking absolutely divine. It’s purpose is to provide help with all the tasks of the “On-the-Go” demands of life. It will provide guidance for packing and organizing your business to personal life, while helping you to find the “balance”. Along the way I will be sharing my tips, “Aha” moments, hilariously bad experiences and success stories. 

If you need organizing help read on….if you are always looking for a way to fit those amazing 6th pair of shoes into a suitcase read on…. if you find that you always have to go home before going out please read on… and if you are one of my friends- you better read on! 🙂

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